If you’ve begun looking for natural infertility treatments because you are exhausted from the rollercoaster of IVF and all the other options you’ve tried, let this blog bring you new hope!
If you are just thinking about trying to get pregnant but concerned about your fertility or your husband’s, this could help you get a quicker positive result without so much trauma.
Even if you’ve suffered a miscarriage, acupuncture can help you conceive and support your baby through delivery – and you postpartum.
Infertility Trauma is Real
You may have gone through rounds of assisted reproductive therapies (ART), including in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). You may have suffered a miscarriage or multiple. The battle against infertility can take a toll on your body and mental health.
You may have experienced one or more of the many side effects that can impact your quality of life and relationships:
Weight gain
Poor sleep
Pain or discomfort
Resentment or marital distress
Financial stress or debt
The constant worry and discouragement only make it harder for you to get pregnant and carry a healthy baby all the way through.
According to the American Society for Reproductive Science, over 6.1 million or 10 percent of women in the United States are diagnosed as being infertile (Acupuncture Today
https://www.acupuncturetoday.com/mpacms/at/article.php?id=31364). If you are 35+ trying to get pregnant, you are more likely to also have other health issues or depletions that hinder your ability to conceive.
So, you are not alone.
You also have more control than you may realize.
Causes of and Ways to Begin Overcoming Infertility
Medical Conditions
You may have been diagnosed with a medical condition that is contributing to your infertility, such as:
Thin endometrial lining
Low progesterone
Uterine fibroids
Ovarian cysts
Blocked fallopian tubes
Lack of ovulation or quality in eggs
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
In Men
In your husband, infertility can show up as lower testosterone levels, which indicates that other hormones like insulin could also out of whack. Some symptoms of low testosterone may include breasts (man boobs), a low sperm count or decreased sex drive.
You might feel like these conditions are permanent, out of your control or “just part of your genetics”. But the truth is that you can control many of them. In fact, often they are really only symptoms of other treatable issues that you can reduce or alleviate through healthier lifestyle choices.
Just a few lifestyle changes you could consider include:
Eating healthier – more vegetables and whole foods specifically, and less processed/packaged food.
Reducing your exposure to plastic food and water containers (because the plastic can leech unwanted chemicals into the foods and then your body).
Finding an appropriate physical activity or workout for you based on your current health.
Implementing new ways to reduce stress, such as time management workshops, life coaching or simple breathing exercises (link to https://chriskresser.com/my-top-5-breathing-exercises-for-stress-relief/).
Working with an acupuncturist or functional health practitioner to get to the root of other treatable health conditions that could be impacting your fertility, such as hypothyroidism.
Long-term Use of Birth Control Pills
It’s important to know that extensive use of birth control pills can inhibit your chances of getting pregnant.
Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs)
Also, radiation from cell phones, laptops, Wi-Fi, and microwave ovens emit electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) which can impact fertility in both men and women. One 2015 study supported that exposure to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi decreased sperm function in men. The researchers concluded that exposure to Wi-Fi networks near our homes should be a major concern (pubmed.gov link to https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27648194/). Research also indicates that electromagnetic fields can disrupt sex hormones and fetal development.
You can go as far as you want to reduce exposure to our 5G (and increasing) world – even buy EMF-blocking paint. But here are a few simpler suggestions:
Use a laptop desk instead of placing your laptop directly on your legs.
Turn your routers off at night so you can sleep better without exposure (though you might have exposure from your neighbors, too).
Wear an EMF neutralizing pendant or bracelet (could link to https://emf-harmony.com/collections/bracelets/products/harmonizer-mobility-plus or another one you approve of…not sure if you want to start making suggestions for purchase but up to you).
Limit the use of wearable Wi-Fi devices such as fitness watches and use your mobile phone on speakerphone instead of close to your ear and head.
These are just a few examples of small changes that can make a huge improvement in your health and fertility. The little things add up, right?!
How Acupuncture Can Work as a Natural Infertility Treatment
Acupuncture helps reduce inflammation in your body, increase blood flow and restore proper function. So, much like acupuncture works for pain, it can also work as a natural infertility treatment.
Wherever you are in your fertility journey, acupuncture can help. It can:
Improve your production of better-quality eggs.
Regulate your hormones to produce larger quantities of follicles.
Increase blood flow to your uterus and ovaries for more successful implantation.
Enhance conception in ART cycles: IUI, IVF, FET, Surrogacy.
Lessen many of the unwanted side effects of ART treatment.
Improve pregnancy rates during IVF.
Mitigate the downstream effects of IVF stimulation in the uterine environment to enhance implantation and ongoing pregnancy rates.
Decrease miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy rates.
Improve semen densities in male factor infertility.
Promote a healthier pregnancy and postpartum period.
At Wheeler Acupuncture & Functional Wellness, we have a special heart for infertility issues. Whether you just got off the pill and “are trying,” just had a miscarriage, have an upcoming egg retrieval or are postpartum – anywhere in your fertility journey – we want to support you.
One client, Alex, described her experience in these words. “This was my first visit with Heather and she met my insanely high expectations. The office was very clean and very relaxing. Heather is so professional, smart and personable. She took the time to listen to my concerns and she explained everything thoroughly. She made me feel very optimistic about our fertility journey. I can’t wait for my future appointments!”
This is the hope and excitement we want you to experience in your journey to become pregant again or for the first time.
Read more about how we apply acupuncture (and functional medicine and nutrition if you choose) to help with your fertility journey here (link to https://www.wheelerwellnessmo.com/fertility).
Then, schedule your consultation with us today (link to https://wheelerwellness.intakeq.com/booking) and receive new hope that acupuncture might just be the natural infertility treatment you need!
We can’t wait to meet you!